Dr. Smith is a national and international expert on self-injurious and suicidal behaviors occurring in incarcerated populations. Other areas of study include mental health programs in jail and prison, officer wellness and resiliency, the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), reentry initiatives, and best practices in evaluating corrections-based programs. Dr. Smith has expertise in program evaluation and policy analysis and has worked with numerous correctional and health systems, including over one million dollars in research grants. Dr. Smith’s previous publications have appeared in top-tiered journals like Justice Quarterly, Crime & Delinquency, and Criminal Justice & Behavior.
Distinguished Course Award: For Excellence in Accessibility and Innovative use of Technology: Criminal Justice and Mental Health (CRJU 426). ADEIL: Association for Distance Education and Independent Learning.
Showcase Award: Acceptance into the 2020 ADEIL Course Showcase: Criminal Justice and Mental Health (CRJU 426). ADEIL: Association for Distance Education and Independent Learning.