Part 4: Inmate Visitation

Welcome to the world of the criminal justice system
Part 4: Inmate Visitation

There are two groups of people involved in the criminal justice system who are invisible to the public: correctional officers and the families of inmates. The media tends to focus only on police and suspects/inmates (i.e., with a basic “good guys vs. bad guys” narrative). Yet, there are millions of people in the United States who have family and/or friends who are incarcerated. The collateral consequences of incarceration can negatively impact the inmates’ families, particularly children. Visitation is important. Watch this short, but powerful video, of a real-life visitation between a young daughter and her incarcerated father. Take a journey on the bus to the prison, and look around to observe the other families.

Remember, you can “look around” in the video as it plays by dragging with your computer mouse or finger!

Welcome to the world
of the criminal justice system.